Javad alavi

Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,
Kheradgarayan Motahhar Institute of Higher Education
Private university in Mashhad
No. 45, Pajohesh Sq.
Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan Province
Tel: 985138842226-32
M.Sc. (2006) Civil-Environmental Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
B.Sc. (2002) Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Research interest
Water reuse
Coagulation/flocculation process
Simultaneous nitrification/de-nitrification
Biodegradability and bio-treatability enhancement of wastewater
Publications in English
Alavi, J and Ansari, S., Kinetic models evaluation for chemical organic matter removal prediction in a full-scale primary facultative pond treating municipal wastewater. Water science and technology, 2022.
Alavi, J., Ewees, A.A., Ansari, S. et al. A new insight for real-time wastewater quality prediction using hybridized kernel-based extreme learning machines with advanced optimization algorithms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021.
Alavi, J and Ansari, S., Technical evaluation and economic optimisation of coagulation-flocculation process for the pre-treatment of over-reused effluent of paper mills in cardboard recycling industry. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2021. 1-19.
Ansari, S. and Alavi, J., Polishing low-biodegradable and saline industrial effluent in a full-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland: evaluation of bio-treatability and predictive power of kinetic models”, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2020, 1-13.
Ansari, S., Alavi, J., Yaseen, Z, M., Performance of full-scale coagulation-flocculation/DAF as a pre-treatment technology for biodegradability enhancement of high strength wastepaper-recycling wastewater, Environmental Science Pollution Research, 2018, 25: 33978.
Ansari, S., Alavi, J., Ghafoori, M. A technical model for reclaimed water reuse in agricultural irrigation: a case study in Kordkuy, Iran, Environmental Earth Science, 2018, 77: 90.
Sarkhosh, M., Mahvi, A. H., Mohseni, M., Shiry, L., Alavi, J. Assessment of daily variations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Tehran in 2010-2011, International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering, 2015, Vol. 3. Issue 3.
Publications in Persian
Esmaeili, P., Ghasemi, S.M., Pourafshari Chenar, M., Alavi, J. Investigation of operational conditions on nitrification reaction in IFAS process, The second national conference on water consumption management and waste management, Tehran, Iran, 2019.
Bahrami, Sh, Ghasemi, S. M, Alavi. J. Analysis of hydraulic loading rate effect on the performance of activated sludge, IFAS and MBR using GPS-X simulation, The second national conference on water consumption management and waste management, Tehran, Iran, 2019.
Tarzadeh, Z, Alavi, J. Ghafoori, M. Recycling management of hazardous waste in Mashhad, Iran, The third scientific congress on the development and promotion of agriculture and natural resources in Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2015.
Latifian, E., Doosti, M. R., Alavi, J. M. Performance Evaluation of Mashhad industrial estate wastewater treatment plant and effluent reusability assessment , The first international conference on water, environment and sustainable development, Ardabil, Iran, 2015.
Alavi, J., Mahjoobi, E., Farnoosh, H., Khani, M. Feasibility study of treated wastewater reuse for drip irrigation of landscape and green places (A case study: Bojnord industrial estate). International conference on water and wastewater, Tehran, Iran, 2011.
Ghorbani, E., Azimi Ghalibaf, E., Zobeiri, S., Alavi, J. Evaluation of pollution in Jaghargh and Dehbar River. The 5th congress & exhibition on environmental engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2010.
Mahdinia, Mohammad Hadi., Goodarzi, M., Hagh talab, N., Alavi, J. Principles and strategies for improving the environment and landscapes in Iran industrial estates on the basis of industrial Eco-parks principles. The 5th congress and exhibition on environmental engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2010.
Research grants
Research executives: Ansari, S., and Alavi, J., Sludge management and treatment in decentralized wastewater treatment plants (A case study: Chehel bazeh park WWTP, Mashhad), 2020-2021.
Research executives: Ansari, S., and Alavi, J., Overview of urban wastewater treatment status in Iran, 2019.
Research executives: Alavi, J., Ansari, S., Bidkhori A., Assessment of sustainability and environmental compatibility of construction materials used in urban projects, 2016.
Research executives: Goodarzi, M., Hagh talab, N., Alavi, J,. Principles and strategies for improving the environment and landscapes in Iran industrial estates on the basis of industrial Eco-parks principles, Sponsored by Khorasan razavi industrial estates company, 2010.
Courses taught
Fundamentals of wastewater treatment
Water chemistry
Introduction to environmental engineering
Water quality management
English language for environmental engineering students
Solid waste management
Workshop trainer
Wastewater treatment in reuse in municipalities and urban area, Sponsor: Municipality of Mashhad, 2021.
Septic tank design and in septic tanks, Sponsor: Municipality of Mashhad, 2021.
Industrial wastewater treatment plant, design and operation, Sponsor: Khayyam industrial estate, 2020.
Wastewater treatment plant, design and operation /SBR process, Sponsor: Mashhad water and wastewater company, 2017.
Wastewater treatment plant, design and operation/MLE process, Sponsor: Mashhad water and wastewater company, 2016.
Industrial wastewater treatment plant, design and operation, Sponsor: Hamrahan Sanaat, 2014.